Space Maintainers Near You

Baby teeth are responsible for holding space to allow for proper growth and alignment of the permanent teeth. If your child is practicing good oral hygiene habits, the baby tooth should serve as the “natural space holder” for the permanent tooth. However, sometimes things happen, and the baby tooth has to be extracted for reasons such as tooth decay, injuries, etc. We provide space maintainers to ensure their remaining teeth aren’t shifting out of place.

space-maintainers in westfield

What are Space Maintainers?

Space maintainers are small, comfortable devices used to temporarily hold missing spaces until your child’s permanent teeth start to surface. They are removed when their permanent teeth start to appear. Unilateral space maintainers are used on one side of their mouth and are often used to replace one missing tooth. Bilateral space maintainers are used on either the upper or lower set to replace more than one missing tooth. They are also used if your child has both baby and permanent teeth. The bands are cemented to their back teeth while a wire is rested on either their palette or lower front teeth. Pediatric partial dentures are used when their front teeth are missing. This type of space maintainer is primarily used for cosmetic purposes.

Looking for Space Maintainers Near You?

Our pediatric dental office offers space maintainers in Westfield! If you are unsure or have questions about your child receiving space maintainers, do not hesitate to contact us. We are all ears and will be delighted to answer any questions you have regarding your child’s oral health.