Sedation Dentistry Near You

Is your child afraid of the dentist? We understand dental procedures can be scary, so we offer sedation dentistry near you to ensure your child is relaxed during their dental visits.

sedation-dentistry in westfield

Sedation Options in Westfield

We provide various sedation options in Westfield to ensure your child is calm and comfortable during their appointments. Please inform us of any health conditions, medication, allergies, and any other factors that may impact their use of sedation. Our dentist will then provide your child with the most ideal medication for their treatment.

Nitrous Oxide Sedation for Kids in Westfield

Our office provides nitrous oxide/oxygen (laughing gas) for children who are anxious, nervous, or require special attention. Nitrous oxide is a safe, effective sedative agent used to calm a child’s fear of the visit and enhance effective communication. Nitrous Oxide/ oxygen is one of the safest sedatives in Pediatric Dentistry, allowing your child to remain completely conscious, answer questions, and keep their natural reflexes.

General Anesthesia for Kids in Westfield

General anesthesia and is usually offered to children who are incompatible with the other methods. When administered, your child will not be awake during the procedure. General anesthesia is only administered at outpatient surgery centers or hospitals and only used when the benefits are greater than any risk your child may face undergoing the sedation. It is important to make your dentist aware of any illnesses or changes in health history prior to this appointment.

Post-Appointment Care

After their appointment, if they are drowsy and want to sleep, ensure you lay them on their side with their chin up. Please keep your child hydrated by giving them something to drink every hour or so. We will provide you with a list of instructions to follow after your child’s appointment.

Interested in Sedation Dentistry Near You?

Our office provides various sedation options in Westfield to ensure your child is comfortable and relaxed during their visits. If you have any questions or are interested in having your child undergo sedation during their next visit, please feel free to contact us. We will be happy to find a sedation method that will work best for your child.